Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Super Tuesday!

What a day it was. I started off the day by dropping off my kids at school. Our polling site had been moved to their school from the Volunteer Fire Department. There were 2 districts voting in the same place with six lines to check in the voters. There were four lines for one district (which had 10 people MAX (combined) in line at one time) and two lines for the other district which was backed up all the way to the door. The second district had at least 50 people in line the entire time I was there. Guess which line I was in.

After spending 45 minutes in line, I was told that my name wasn't in the book and that I should go check in the other district's book. (I knew I wasn't in the other district, but okay, whatever.) Nope. Not in that book. After going through both lines, they told me to check in the "other" book of inactive voters. Third try's a charm, right? Apparently, it's not. I gave my i.d. to the man I will refer to as "the runner" so he could investigate. Apparently, the election commission hotline is extremely busy on election day (go figure), so he kept getting a busy signal. Thirty minutes later, the runner came back and took me to the front of the first line I was in. I was in the book after all. She was turning the pages so fast and I couldn't read upside down…so I spent way more time there than necessary.

BUT - while standing in line, the principal went through the morning announcement and the kids whose birthdays are that day get to recite the school's mission statement and the Pledge of Allegiance over the intercom. It was fitting that as I was about to do my civic duty, the voices of our future were reciting the pledge. It brought tears to my eyes. This one nation is under God, the creator of the universe and in that one true God I will trust. The election did not turn out like I wanted it to, but my faith is in Christ. I know that the one who provides for me everyday will be faithful to continue providing for me. My desire is to be as faithful to Him.


Jenny said...

Beautifully said! Now get busy 'cause I want to see some Brigman family pics. LOL!

Lee Anne said...

Sure thing, girl! How do you plan to retrieve 400+ high resolution photos via dial up?

Unknown said...

that would have made me tear up as well