Sunday, May 31, 2009

Living LIFE

I am so thankful for the blessings God has given to me in the form of friends. I got to see my best friend today after a very long time. It had been about 9 months since we had seen each other (this must NEVER happen again!) and even though we visited for only a few minutes, my spirit was refreshed. I also re-connected with another friend from college. It was a good day.

Right now, I’m taking a little break from making preparations for next week. I’ve even managed to fit in some de-cluttering today. In fact, after a 15 minute clean up session in the bedroom, I headed to the sunroom to put away the card table and folding chairs that have been up since Mother’s Day (yeah, yeah - sue me.) when I discover my 6 year old with a pile of napkins on top of a puddle of something brownish colored on the rug. At first, I thought it was soda, but it wasn’t soaking up into the napkins like one would expect. I walked over and picked up the pile of napkins and dripping from the napkin was not soda, but stringy, sticky syrup. -a very huge puddle of log cabin lite was soaking into the rug. As it turns out, my little chemist was readying herself to make a mixture of syrup and something else (not sure she had made up her mind up about the other ingredients). She loves to concoct all manner of mixtures in cups. One time, she put a raw egg in the cup with her paint water. (Thank goodness I didn’t forget about that cup!) Anyhow, somewhere between bringing the syrup into the sunroom (presumably to hide from mom) and getting the cup for the “mixing colors” as she calls it, she knocked over the bottle of syrup and stepped on it. There must’ve been ½ a cup of syrup or more on the rug. I do not think that Resolve is going to beat that one. I did the best I could to clean up the gooey mess, but I think that rug will forever smell like pancakes.

I will try to update this again at least one more time before I have my surgery, but I won’t make any promises. For anyone who hasn’t heard and wants to know, I’ll be having nasal surgery on June 17th. I’ve been told I’ll be out of work for 2 weeks. It could be a strain financially and I know it will be in other ways, like taking care of my family and the mundane tasks of life (like housekeeping, grocery shopping, cooking, etc.). I truly covet your prayers over the next month or so. To be honest, I’m freaking out a bit about having the surgery. I know in my mind that this is the best decision and I know in my heart that God is sovereign and that nothing can fall on me that hasn’t passed through his hands.

BUT - I’m scared. So, please pray for peace for me.

I love you!


Jenny said...

Lee Lee, my emotions were just under the surface today and I felt very tired and sad. Your beautiful face made me smile. I love you and just want you to know.....pancakes smell better than poo.


Lee Anne said...

I love you too, my sweet friend. I'm glad I was able to make you smile. :)

I must say - I am very thankful it wasn't a giant pile of poo! :D

Michelle said...

Since I've been essentially offline for the summer, I am just now getting to read your posts. How did the surgery go?